Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another Ink Study/I Hate Pro White!

I've been trying to stay busy this week so I decided to do another ink drawing in my sketchbook (apologies for the crappy cellphone pic):
 I kinda had Tony Harris in mind when I was drawing this with an emphasis on line work. I thought about only inking the line work but I really need to work on spotting blacks. All was going well until I messed up around the shadow under the nose. I tried using pro white but I always make the mistake of trying to water it down which always ends up looking worse. Never had great luck with pro white so I'm not sure why I decided to use it. At this point I just started spotting blacks more instinctively and ended up with this: 

Though it's a far cry to say this is good, I kinda liked how this turned out. I added some ink wash as well which is something I normally don't do. I think I'll add some ink wash in my next study since it was kinda refreshing.

All in all, I think I've been good on the productive end on my break so far. I was going to wait to do a few more studies and do a larger blog update but I figure I might as well do small one's since god only knows how often I'll update this as soon as school starts up again. Well off to the next one.


  1. I read online that a lot of inkers like to use white acrylic paint. You should give it a shot. I've yet to experiment with it but I'll do so within a year.

  2. I wanna try liquid paper. I hear that stuff works great.I'm actually using acrylic on one of the larger ink drawings I did this semester.
